14 July, 2007

Days 8-9: Sink Plumbing

The first major work is complete. Today I installed all the plumbing for the sink and toilet. That's the hot/cold supply to the sink, cold supply to the toilet, and a new PVC drain for the sink. Only one small leak, but that's not bad - 23 soldering joints, and only one bad one! I was able to get the water turned off quickly and add a little more solder. Everything's under pressure now - with no leaks.

I'd love to report a successful bathtub installation as well, but after about 4 hours of work, it's still not sitting quite level. When I stand in the tub and rock back and forth, there's just a very stubtle creaking near the front. I haven't given up hope, but it may just come down to the tub making a very subtle creaking near the front!

For tomorrow: finish tub installation, install tub drain, tub/shower plumbing, underlayment, and finish the toilet flange installation. Yikes, now that I type that all up, it doesn't seem possible! (I scheduled our first inspection - rough plumbing - for Monday.) Well, we'll see!


Anonymous Plumber said...

Those are quite intimidating for a simple housewife. Good thing you can just always call a professional plumber to do the job.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Chris Pia said...

This is an interesting article. Im not sure how I ended up on a plumbing article, but it was interesting to read.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Long Island Plumber said...

Interesting article. Plumbing is a very important aspect in all phases of housekeeping.

2:02 PM  

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