16 July, 2007

Day 11: Plumbing Inspection - Passed!

"Not a typical homeowner job. You actually did a nice job."
- Inspector Steve

Success! And actually, he didn't look at much. He didn't even ask if I had the system under pressure. (I didn't - the threaded cap at the tub spout has a very slow leak, and I don't want to tighten it any more.) He did say that there were a couple things he could "nick" me for, but since we're the ones living here...

Now that I think about it, doesn't that sound kind of ominous?

No time to worry about it now - on to the electric and framing! The next inspection is scheduled for Wednesday. By then, I have to finish the wiring, install a new breaker - a double, since I'm out of slots in the box - for the bathroom fan and lights, and do a little framing for the sink and medicine cabinet.


Blogger Unknown said...

Way to go! I was going to pass on a bit of hard-earned wisdom to you about keeping track of where you set down your blow torch, but it appears that you are not in need of such basic advice :-) Perhaps you would be available for our kitchen remodel beginning Aug 1?

8:58 AM  
Blogger dan said...

Actually, I could have used the advice! I torched a bit of the moulding in the downstairs bathroom while soldering the joints to the main plumbing line. Apparently I'm not able to focus on two things at once - holding the burning torch to the side while touching the solder to the hot joint. Fortunately, we're planning on painting everything down there, so it will all work out for the best!

As for your kitchen... I think I'll still be in recovery! ;-)

9:57 AM  

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